- Friday, December 30, 2016

After all, your life is in your own hand. Success or failure, the outcome is generated by your own choice.
Have you ever wondered why in our life, there are some certain people who are always so lucky it seems as if everything happens to them is very favorable while you often feel exactly the...
#Business, #District, #Entrepreneur, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Inspiration, #Life, #Lifestyle, #Motivation, #People, #Success, #Traits, #Trending, #Up #Uncategoried
By Ann Pham via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/8-traits-undefeated-people/
- Tuesday, December 06, 2016

If you are stressed, worn out or depressed, take a cup of tea, find a seat and meditate for a while before reading this since you won’t be able to control your reactions.
1. You only have 100% control on how you choose to respond
The is a thing called “risk management”, which...
#Business, #Control, #District, #Entrepreneur, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Inspiration, #Life, #Lifestyle, #Motivation, #People #Fancyskills
By Ann Pham via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/3-truths-defeat-taking-control-anxiety/
- Monday, December 05, 2016

Innovation, improvement and transformation are not only to start. They’re also to stop the bad things and make room for the good ones.
So, what to stop?
1. Stop giving up.
How many times have you found yourself start a new project then give it up without having any certain achievement? ...
#Business, #Entrepreneur, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Feelings, #Inspiration, #Life, #Motivation, #People, #Stop, #Trending #Fancyskills
By Ann Pham via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/things-to-stop-success-move-on/
- Sunday, December 04, 2016

There are lots of guides for a successful career path. How many of the readers have been successful then?
I don’t write career guide but I have caught myself struggling with my own path because of the mindset full of mediocrities. Those are:
1. Linear career path
What is the linear career...
#Business, #District, #Entrepreneur, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Inspiration, #Motivation, #People, #Talents, #Workplace #Workplace
By Ann Pham via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/4-things-to-look-at-again-for-a-successful-career-path/
- Saturday, December 03, 2016

Attitude as a filter can shape our habits and beliefs, which controls your possibility of success.
It is the fact that attitude works as a filter. That filter can be applied to our perceptions, emotions and behaviors, which, in a long run, will shape our habits. In fact, habit is one of the most...
#Attitude, #District, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Inspiration, #Life, #Lifestyle, #Motivation, #Trending, #Up #Fancyskills
By Ann Pham via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/attitude-as-filter-success/
- Thursday, December 01, 2016

Passport, credit cards, photocopies, camera, phone… You know what to pack when you go traveling. But do you know what not to pack? Many of us stuff our suitcases and backpacks with useless or not-so-smart stuff, and it’s only when we’re lugging it around that we regret jamming in that hairdryer o...
#Tips, #Travel #Feminism
By Huy Nguyen via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/14-things-never-travel/
- Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Advertisements are coming to Fancy District Online Newspaper. The team has approved a one-year pilot program that will allow 6 ads on the platform for the first time.
Please see below for statistics details
For pricing, please email to: FancyTeam@fancydistrict.com
Fancy District Online Ne...
#Advertising, #Space #Advertsising
By Huy Nguyen via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/finally-happened-selling-advertising-space-fancy-district-online-newspaper/
- Thursday, November 24, 2016

When I was a child, I admired crystal balls. As an eight – year – old, my eyes twinkled to the little bits of sparkles and snow. My heart seemed to waltz to the rhythm of the falling snowflakes. “Magnificent.” – I told myself.
My mom bought me a sweet little c...
#Life, #Vigorous #Forafancyday
By Phuong Nguyen via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/life-inside-crystal-ball/
- Thursday, November 17, 2016

Breakups are never easy but it will happen, even to the sweetest relationship. How can we face it?
Truth is that if you were in love with your partner and broke up in a bad way, it will be difficult and you will hurt. You will be in terrible pain, but pain won’t last forever. I can...
#District, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Feminism, #Inspiration, #Life, #Lifestyle, #Love, #People, #Relationship #Relationship
By Demi Flydi via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/face-end-relationship/
- Wednesday, November 16, 2016

“Because you’re an optimist and I am a pessimist” is a stupid excuse since trying to be optimistic is not a “type” of people that cannot change.
It does not mean foolishly ignoring the risks. It just equals putting your focus on the positive side as much as...
#District, #Entrepreneur, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Feelings, #Inspiration, #Life, #Lifestyle, #Love, #Motivation, #Positive, #Relationship #Fancyskills
By Ann Pham via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/secrets-being-positive/
- Sunday, November 13, 2016

With the right habits, you can be a successful entrepreneur, and cause others to wonder: What makes you different?
Knowledge, more than money, influence, or dogged persistence, is the most valuable asset of any entrepreneur. Many businesses have burned through...
#Business, #District, #Entrepreneur, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Inspiration, #Motivation #Entrepreneurs
By Phoebe Rose via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/4-habits-outstanding-successful-entrepreneur/
- Saturday, November 12, 2016

People will always want to be liked, always will be hungry for attention and always will want to surprise you with something new. “It’s all about likes.“
Try to be completely honest with yourself: after posting a picture, whether it was a selfie or even not, you really want some likes or ev...
#District, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Feelings, #Inspiration, #Likes, #Motivation, #People, #Relationship, #Smile, #SocialMedia #Forafancyday
By Nina Šášiková via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/generation-like-much-really-need/
- Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Sometimes, usually after something painful happens along with negative emotions, you lock yourself up til you feel nothing. Well, nothing is no good.
People always tell us to move on. Then, you become a distant person, avoid expressing emotions under any circumstances til the point nothing or no...
#DemiF, #District, #Emotions, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Feelings, #Inspiration, #Lifestyle, #Love, #Motivation, #People, #Relationship, #Trending, #Up #Relationship
By Demi Flydi via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/why-we-freeze-our-emotions/
- Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Procrastination is avoiding pains. Entrepreneurs also have their own pains!
The formation of procrastination is investigated in the relation with many theories and scientific foundations. However, to make thing clarified and simple, I would love to define procrastination as the tendency to avoid...
#Business, #District, #Entrepreneur, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Inspiration, #Motivation, #Procrastination, #Workplace #Entrepreneurs, #Fancyskills, #Workplace
By Ann Pham via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/entrepreneurs-procrastination-story/
- Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Greatness comes from the most simple things of life. In the case of Steve Jobs, this becomes even more obvious.
“I will never forget watching all his videos for the new release of Apple products and how he had just as much excitement as the customers did for the unveiling. Steve Jobs is a...
#Business, #CEO, #District, #Entrepreneur, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Inspiration, #Motivation, #SteveJobs, #Workplace #Entrepreneurs, #Fancyup, #Featured, #HumansofFancy, #Workplace
By Ann Pham via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/ceo-facts-steve-jobs-quit-school-study-calligraphy/
- Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The most impressive people I know are all terrible procrastinators. So could it be that procrastination isn’t always bad?
There are three variants of procrastination, depending on what you do instead of working on something: you could work on (a) nothing, (b) something less important, or...
#Business, #District, #Entrepreneur, #Entrepreneurs, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #FancyNews, #Motivation, #Procrastination #Entrepreneurs, #Workplace
By Phoebe Rose via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/procrastination-must-entrepreneurs/
- Monday, October 17, 2016

“They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for”
There are morning when you wake up and think of all the people who sat next to you in a bus or train or whenever. Then you switch to people who sat...
#District, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Feelings, #Hope, #Inspiration, #Life, #Mind, #Motivation, #Nature, #People, #ShitHappens, #Thoughts #Lifestyle
By Nina Šášiková via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/can-hear-silent-whispering-hope/
- Friday, October 14, 2016

At first glance, the fashion industry seems glamorous, and working in it sounds like a dream. However, that is just the tip of the iceberg.
The ugly truth of the fashion industry and the need to create sustainability:
The fashion industry is profitable but unpredictable. Resource shortages,...
#Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Fashion, #Feminism, #Inspiration, #Life, #Motivation, #People, #Workplace #Feminism
By Ann Pham via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/fashion-industry-ugly-truth-behind-glamor/
- Thursday, October 13, 2016

CFOs are considered as important as CEOs. What do they do and what does it take to be a CFO?
What is a CFO?
A CFO is in charge of financial strategy at the highest levels of the whole company. CFOs manage the cashflow of the entire company.
The objective of the CFO position may sound really ...
#Business, #CFO, #District, #Entrepreneur, #Essential, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Inspiration, #Motivation, #Workplace #Uncategoried
By Ann Pham via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/cfo-essential-ceo-prepared/
- Wednesday, October 12, 2016

What is the CEO? CEO stands for Chief Executive Officer. A CEO can also be called a General Manager.
In large companies, especially in multinational ones, the Executive Board works at the headquarters while the CEOs or General Managers manage everything in only one branch or subsidiary. Branch M...
#Business, #CEO, #District, #Entrepreneur, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Inspiration, #Motivation, #Trending, #Workplace #Workplace
By Ann Pham via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/ceo-essential-real-ceos/
- Tuesday, October 11, 2016

CMO is among one of the trending career paths that get lots of attention from millennials. What exactly is CMO?
CMO, along with the CEO, CFO, COO CPO or collectively, is known as C-level management level. Just like the other Cs, CMO is only just behind Senior Managing Board of the...
#Business, #CMO, #District, #Entrepreneur, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Motivation #Workplace
By Ann Pham via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/cmo-essential-career-path/
- Monday, October 10, 2016

Thoughts sometimes overwhelm me, but I do exactly nothing to stop them.
Have you ever thought about your unconscious? Like you do a lot of things just according to it. Sometimes you can hear a slight silent voice in your head (or is it schizophrenia then?) telling you, what to do in exact...
#District, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Life, #Lifestyle, #Love, #Mind, #Motivation, #People, #Thoughts #Lifestyle
By Nina Šášiková via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/conscious-talk-will-always/
- Saturday, October 08, 2016

PPAP or’s lyrics are spreading rapidly on the internet. Why is it sooooo hot?
It is because that the content is so short, nothing confusing so that everyone can understand. Accompanied by simple lyrics and dancing moves as well as funny facial expression, the song can create laughter.
#Business, #District, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Fun, #Happy, #Inspiration, #Ppap #Lifestyle
By Ann Pham via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/secret-pen-pineapple-apple-pen-ppap/
- Friday, October 07, 2016

Everyone, once or twice in your life, went through some kind of grief. We all feel broken at some points of life.
All the sad stuff that had happened, that you had to survive can’t ever be understood by other people. So, if somebody ever told you “yeah, I get it, I understand”,...
#Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Feelings, #Fight, #Happiness, #Hope, #Inspiration, #Life, #Lifestyle, #Motivation, #People, #Quote #Lifestyle
By Nina Šášiková via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/taking-actions-way-mend-broken-heart/
- Friday, October 07, 2016

The reasons why you should find a job with a “wooden” workplace.
Having been in love with the Japanese for a certain period of time, I always find myself inspired by the Japanese minimalism, simple but elegant as well. Japanese people are famous for their efficiency and...
#Business, #Creativity, #District, #Entrepreneur, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Inspiration, #Motivation, #Wooden, #Workplace #Workplace
By Ann Pham via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/4248-2/
- Thursday, October 06, 2016

It’s possible to boost your creativity and create “work-life balance” in…. the workplace.
Before taking that job, I had worked in many strategic positions. However, by doing “gigs” and “handy tasks”, I realized how important it is to do physical...
#Business, #Creativity, #District, #Entrepreneur, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Inspiration, #Motivation, #Workplace #Uncategoried
By Ann Pham via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/dirty-hands-creativity-work-life-balance/
- Thursday, October 06, 2016

The more experience I have, the more I feel lucky for having certain tech skills.
Tech proficiency is a MUST for everyone in the modern workplace. Online communication, virtual collaboration and other means of transferring information have made working more flexible, increased effectiveness and ...
#Business, #District, #Entrepreneur, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Inspiration, #Motivation, #Tech #Entrepreneurs
By Ann Pham via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/tech-skill-must-workplace/
- Thursday, October 06, 2016

Hey young hearts and restless souls, have you found your bestie hairstyle yet?
As we are young, sexy and sassy, our appearance must also be bold and energetic.
Under the heat of the summer or the weather of the cooling fall, we all have to stay sassy and badass. Check out those inspirations for...
#Cool, #Fancy, #Hairstyle, #Rainbow #Sassy
By Phoebe Rose via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/inspirations-fancy-hairstyle/
- Wednesday, October 05, 2016

The thing I am seeing every single day will always eat my mind…but again…
If you do gym, look around for a second at break time, what will you see? Today, at the gym, I saw lots of people staring at their phones. Simply like everyone.
I am guilty of it sometimes as well and trying to...
#Enough, #Feelings, #GoodTimes, #Life, #Past, #People, #Photography, #Reminiscing, #SocialMedia, #SocialToilet, #TheHeatOfTheMoment, #Today, #YoungPeople #Lifestyle
By Nina Šášiková via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/investigation-time-normal-todays-life-flushed-social-toilet/
- Monday, October 03, 2016

In fashion, black is the most powerful color. Do you really know how to wear black this fall?
“Black is the hardest color in the world to get right—except for gray….” – Diana Vreeland
“You can wear black at any time. You can wear it at any age. You may wear it for almost any occasion; a ‘little ...
#DemiF #Sassy
By Demi Flydi via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/oots-outfit-season-back-black/
- Monday, October 03, 2016

How are you doing? I hope everything will be going as planned by the time you read this letter. If everything is not okay, don’t panic. We live in a beautiful world, after all.
I had quite a terrible day yesterday. By “terrible”, I don’t...
#Parachute, #Regret #Fancyskills
By Huy Nguyen via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/the-parachute-of-regrets/
- Sunday, October 02, 2016

Tired of working for others? Then, create your own business!
Yeah I am sooooooo sick of working for others without any control or intervention over the strategies when knowing something is not right. It’s like working towards a foreseen failure and absolutely makes no sense!
Just like you,...
#Business, #District, #Entrepreneur, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Inspiration, #Life, #Motivation, #Trending, #Up #Entrepreneurs
By Ann Pham via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/two-steps-find-dream-business/
- Wednesday, September 21, 2016

If “combination” is the key to your dream business, how do you apply it? Let’s take a closer look at my client’s case.
This is the real situation that I received the question. Some important information has been changed to protect the confidentiality. Only the concept of...
#Business, #Entrepreneur, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Inspiration, #Motivation, #Trending, #Up #Uncategoried
By Ann Pham via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/combination-launch-business/
- Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Earning by doing what you love, how realistic is it? And how to combine passion and profits?
Generating an idea and implementing it as a very sophisticated task that involves love, energy, tears and emotions. It is like giving birth to a child. Creating a product that brings about...
#Business, #District, #Entrepreneur, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Fun, #Happiness, #Inspiration, #Lifestyle, #Motivation, #Trending, #Up #Entrepreneurs
By Ann Pham via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/combine-your-idea-for-fancy-success/
- Monday, September 19, 2016

Simple but remarkable the kidpreneur starts her business plan out with something we may have forgotten.
Get a head start, look to people with experience to help you out!
Who are those people? In this case, that’s Rylee’s Mom and Dad.
She knows it’s going to take some convincing, too, ...
#BizPlan, #Business, #District, #Entrepreneur, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Inspiration, #Motivation, #Trending, #Up #Entrepreneurs
By Phoebe Rose via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/lessons-6-years-old-girls-biz-plan/
- Sunday, September 18, 2016

“Sometimes, I don’t really understand what is happening with me. I just sit here in front of my desk staring at the window, listen to blue melodies, then try to justify that with a reason. What can I find? Exactly nothing.”
Can you relate? That “emptiness” is r...
#District, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Happiness, #Happy, #Inspiration, #Life, #Lifestyle, #Love, #Motivation, #People, #SlowDown, #Thoughts #Forafancyday
By Nina Šášiková via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/running-fast-might-exhaust/
- Saturday, September 17, 2016

Though the practice of witchcraft by witches has been around for a very long time, it suddenly becomes a new trend nowadays.
8 series of Charmed was among the first to dig extremely deep into the topic. In fact, the main theme of all series was strongly relevant Wiccan and...
#District, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Inspiration, #Life, #Motivation, #People #Feminism, #Hiddenworld
By Ann Pham via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/witchcraft-new-direction-feminists/
- Thursday, September 15, 2016

Have you ever imagined your life as a timeline of some milestones? (I mean REMARKABLE REAL MILESTONE, not those reminded automatically by “The Facebook Team”).
Well, if not, you did a good job so far, because it is not like that. You are expected to finish your sch...
#District, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Inspiration, #Life, #Lifestyle, #Love, #Motivation, #People, #Trending #Lifestyle
By Nina Šášiková via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/wreck-world-just-points/
- Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Inspired by many of Beyonce’s quotes, the diva famous for her significant support for feminism, this imaginary interview was made to illustrate ways women can live the life they desire.
As a busy female celebrity, a wife and a mother, you must be very tough to be your best in every aspect. ...
#Beyonce, #Business, #Celebrity, #District, #Entrepreneur, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #FancyNews, #Fashion, #Feelings, #Feminism, #Hero, #Heroes, #Inspiration, #Life, #Lifestyle, #Motivation, #Trending, #Woman, #Women #Feminism, #Forafancyday
By Ann Pham via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/interview-with-beyonce-how-women-can-live-the-life-they-desire/
- Monday, September 12, 2016

Top managers, CEOs or even just being famous as thought leaders are very inspiring. But do you know what’s really behind the success of those amazing people?
Marissa Mayer
As an accomplished female CEO in a male-dominated industry, Marissa Mayer has challenged the status quo not only once...
#Business, #District, #Entrepreneur, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Inspiration, #Leaders, #Life, #Motivation, #Point, #Starting, #Trending, #Up #Entrepreneurs
By Ann Pham via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/starting-points-of-5-fancy-leaders/
- Thursday, September 08, 2016

What long-distance relationship means to you: a kind of adventurous romance or a series of unpredictable heart attacks?
Sometimes, we are lucky to find the one right next to our door. Then, we get to live our romance like fairytale heroes. However, there are times we fall for someone several...
#Distance, #District, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Ldr, #LongDistance, #Love, #Relationship #Relationship
By Demi Flydi via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/things-ask-long-distance-relationship/
- Wednesday, September 07, 2016

The first issue laid out the magazine’s editorial mission: “Fancy District Magazine aims to become the common denominator of motivation, startup, lifestyle and feminism—to be the solution to all problems.” The mag features work by Fancy Team, instructions on how to manage emotions, tips for achie...
#2016, #FancyDistrict, #Magazine, #September #FancyNews
By Fancy Team via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/first-issues-fancy-district-magazine/
- Monday, September 05, 2016

Not needed this time.
I am sure you can relate.
Well there will always be one thing that will tear us all apart (in a good way mostly)- and that thing is called individuality. I know, I know, the regular talk about being different and people are supposed to be themselves and s...
#Character, #Individuality, #Life, #People, #Photography #Lifestyle
By Nina Šášiková via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/inevitable-individuality-well-known-character/
- Sunday, September 04, 2016

I have looked over my shoulder today and I see that I did a lot of traveling this summer, thanks to him ♥. It is not always that far away but still, I am incredibly grateful and happy for it, because I just love this as much as I love photography and exploring new places.
The s...
#Design, #Fun, #Garden, #GoodTimes, #Lake, #Life, #Love, #Nature, #People, #Photography, #Polaroid, #SimpleThings, #Summer, #Vintage #X-PLORE
By Nina Šášiková via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/travel-live-casual-weekend-edition/
- Sunday, September 04, 2016

The game has changed a lot since feminism came to place. Hence, new skills must be acquired, ladies!
When a woman has fewer options, she is vulnerable. Ladies, we all need to be vulnerable at times to be protected by our men. However, we are gaining more power and independence, our potentials ...
#Business, #Celebrity, #District, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #FancyNews, #Fashion, #Female, #Feminism, #Friends, #Inspiration, #Life, #Lifestyle, #Motivation, #People, #Thoughts, #Trending, #Woman, #Women #Feminism
By Ann Pham via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/8-skills-modern-young-women/
- Saturday, September 03, 2016

The only thing I will remember about my 20s is not a crazy endless bunch of parties but the stereotypes placed on me because of my young age.
1. The false vision
People tell me “You were born to beat mediocrity and create masterpiece. You know it, don’t you? You are still young and have a very l...
#Business, #Entreprenreur, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Feminism, #Girls, #Inspiration, #Lifestyle, #Motivation, #Woman, #Women, #Young #Feminism
By Ann Pham via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/young-girl-sucks-stereotyping/
- Friday, September 02, 2016

The game has changed a lot since feminism came to place, which requires a woman to be strong yet vulnerable at the same time. Hence, new skills must be acquired, ladies!
When a woman has fewer options, she is vulnerable. Ladies, we all need to be vulnerable at times to be protected by our men. ...
#Business, #Cooking, #District, #Entrepreneur, #Fancy, #FancyDistrict, #Feminism, #Inspiration, #Lifestyle, #Modern, #Motivation, #Skill, #Woman, #Young #Feminism
By Ann Pham via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/skills-for-young-modern-woman-2/
- Thursday, September 01, 2016

Probably, the “only you matter” mindset has been very well-known, especially when you’re supposed to regulate the proper attitudes, perceptions or emotions to head towards particular goals. This makes all of us think that we can direct our life towards our dreams (Why not we ?). However, there a...
#Dreams, #Media, #Own, #Social, #SocialMedia #Entrepreneurs
By Ann Pham via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/social-media-effect-owns-your-heart/
- Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Have you ever found yourself too complicated for an extrovert or too sociable for an introvert?
Are you often considered completely, inarguably outgoing, sociable or dynamic because you’re ambitious, long for transformations and are the one to get a great deal of attention. However, the other si...
By Ann Pham via Fancy District Online Newspaper
Read more at https://fancydistrict.com/you-may-be-a-secret-introvert/
- Tuesday, August 30, 2016