Calling For Bloggers and Writers Around The World 2016
Friday, July 08, 2016
We are a group of motivated people trying to do our part to live a less stressful life and create a positive world with our positive energy. Our goal is to provide entertainment, motivation and guidences for the benefit of readers and authors.
We are seeking writers of quality inspirational material to contribute newspapers in the form of articles, short stories, daily interviews and videos. Although we welcome writers from all over the world, material must be in the English language.
Registration is required for individuals who wish to become contributors, but not for those who merely want to submit comments. You must be at least 16 years of age in order to register and to submit works. Please review our website to have an idea of what type of material we are seeking.
We look forward to seeing your work, and encourage university creative writing students and others as well as established writers.
Registration URL:
Fancy Team Email:
#Blogger, #Calling, #FancyDistrict, #FancyNews, #For, #Freedom, #Motivation, #Positive, #Volunteer, #Writers #FancyNews
By Fancy Team via Fancy District Online Newspaper