Calling all book lovers… Tell me what you think of this piece from my first novel

6 things I have learned from One Night Stands

Sex Matters. A lot!

5 things to watch out for when you decide to forgive a cheating man

The 3 biggest mistakes while dating a girl

Meeting and dating Sorority Girls

Staying out of the "Friend Zone"

The 3 steps to making any college girl your girlfriend

Why employees leave their jobs?

Get a job for pride not money

Reasons why recruiters never call you

Why are men & women so different?

10 Things you must know your girl wants from you

Hard to be serious in relationship?

Rejection vs Acceptance?

Is social media creating your view of reality?

Can music trigger grief?

5 tricks to bring more emotions to your photography

Non-existence or existence?

Can toxic shame cause someone to isolate themselves?

How to Start Dating Again

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